
Saturday, April 21, 2007

PM Surayud Offering Amnesty to Terrorists in the South


Surayud pushes amnesty in South

Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation

PM wants to draw militants back into 'legal fold' in hope of restoring peace

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont has asked officials to explore the possibility of granting an amnesty to militants in the Malay-speaking South as part of a government strategy to restore peace in the Muslim-majority region, which has been plagued by more than three years of almost daily killings and violence.

There is part of me that says if this will stop the violence and bring stability, then do it. But my instincts tell me that rewarding terrorists for committing horrendous acts against the state and civilian population is sending the signal "commit terrorist acts and you get off."

Also, I think of the tens of thousands of poor Thais rotting in prison for committing non-violent acts, such as having a few tablets of ya ba. So this amnesty isn't fair to people who have made mistakes and never got a second chance.

In an attempt to restore peace and unity to the country, perhaps there should be a general amnesty for those accused of non-violent crimes and current prisoners who have committed non-violent acts. Allow many Thais who are in prison, and not just terrorists, to get a second chance
in celebration of a new constitution and the king's 80th birthday.

It would be a practical move also. Such a move would free up an overcrowded prison system and ease the burden on judges who are backlogged.


Anonymous said...

I share these thoughts completely, and the suggestion as to a general amnesty for non-violent crimes.

Ad said...

Granting 'amnesty' to militants is a very delicate matter and if bungled (this junta-government do bungle terribly) will do more grievous harm to Thailand's ongoing quest for peace at the South.

A 'blanket amnesty' definitely is a NO NO. Militants who have already committed grievous crimes (beheadings, bombings, and similar carnage) are not entitled to any amnesty.